Monday, November 21, 2011

Big Bang Minx Nails

These nails I saw while looking up something random. They were made by this company called Minx Nails. They have a bus load of awesome designs and polishes and these are a few that a band that I like A LOT wore for what I guess was a magazine or a blog. (The band is Big Bang if you don't know.)
Tae Yang with Minx Silver Fishnet
G Dragon with Minx Silver Lightning
TOP with Minx Silver Lightning

Some Nails I've Been Working On

This was also during my water marbling attempt
but I got frustrated so I pour nail polish on an
index card, mixed it, then dipped the nail in it.
These are just a few of the nails that I have been working on but I"m not too happy with but mostly because of the quality of the pictures. I hope that you can get the point of what I was doing with them any way.
This was during my water marbling attempt  when
I finally gave up. So I decided to just use a tooth pick
and the nail polish. 

Starting Off

This is my first blog post on my new blog that I finally got around to making. I'm a little iffy on the name but for now I like it. I am doing this blog so that I can do something constructive with myself. Also do something to include what I do regularly. Which is doing my nails! So I will use this blog to post nail designs that I do as well designs that  I see on the internet or while I'm out and about. So wish me luck and patience!!!